Remarkably brilliant Nigerian girl gets admitted into 14 American schools

An 18-year-old Nigerian girl, Olawunmi Akinlemibola, who is a senior at DuVal High School in Lanham, Maryland, really has a big decision to make about her future, as she has been accepted into 14 colleges and universities, including Harvard, Princeton and Stanford. 

The girl who has a 4.15 high school GPA, has already earned college credit. She works hard for her success, her guidance counselor, Stacy Kline, said. I m just amazed by her, she said. It s the internal drive that she has. Akinlemibola said has"

Akinlemibola got admitted into the following universities namely:1. Harvard University 2. Brown University 3. Emory University 4. Swarthmore University 5. Grinnell College 6. University of Chicago 7. Amherst College 8. University of Maryland, College park 9. University of Maryland, Baltimore County 10. Princeton University 11. Cornell University 12. Stanford University 13. Duke University 14. University of Pennsylvania  

 Akinlemibola said her family's support is key. She lives with her father, but her mother and two sisters are home in Nigeria, where she was born. In a recent interview she said, “I love my mom, she’s really supportive, she’s wonderful.” She quickly added that her father is also a source of support. “Shout out to him too! Shout out to him too!” she said, laughing.

Akinlemibola, who lives with her father in Prince George’s County, said her mother didn’t go to college and that her father works as a security officer. But she and her two little sisters have always enjoyed learning.Her mother, she said, will likely join the rest of the family in Prince George’s County soon, and that when her little sisters reach high school age, they will outshine her.
“Oh, they’re much smarter than me!” she said.
Howard University and Stanford were among the first schools to let Akinlemibola know she’d have a spot on their campuses. She admitted that she was a bit overwhelmed by the acceptance to Stanford, “because I didn’t think I was going to get in anywhere, so … I cried.”

Although the intelligent girl is saddled with the responsibility of making a life changing decision with the schools lined up for her to choose, she is currently bothered about what to wear to prom. 

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